

Dear Friend,

The inspiration for March’s newsletter came to me last week while sitting with my 6-year-old daughter asking me to sit on the floor and do a puzzle. Children are amazing teachers and ask simple 



questions that can open your mind to thinking about life in a very philosophical way!

When my daughter asked me to play with her, I wanted to sit down right away, spend quality time together and help her with the puzzle. I quickly changed my mind and thought this puzzle isn’t too difficult for a child of her age, she can certainly figure it out by herself. I told her I was busy and she would need to do it alone. She replied she couldn’t do it by herself.

I then tried to explain to my mini-me that life is very much like a puzzle. All the pieces are there and it may take you a while, you may need to take breaks and come back to it later, but you will eventually finish it and put all the pieces of the puzzle together yourself. She looked at me with those sad blue eyes and replied, Please mommy… I can’t!!


I truly wanted to help her, but also wanted to empower her to work on it independently. I let her know if she got stuck I was there to guide her. Ultimately she would have to figure out the 24 piece puzzle herself.

My daughter is a puzzle passionista! Always looking for a new one to put together. She likes to figure out where all the pieces go and when it gets tricky, she doesn’t give up easily. She’s determined to get the puzzle finished and find a new one to do.



Ironically, our journey in life is much like a huge puzzle. We are given a big puzzle called Life and are constantly trying to figure out how all these pieces fit together. Some pieces are easy and others are quite challenging. The question I ask you to ponder, is how do you play your puzzle? Are you passionate, serious, intense, playful, strategic, obsessive, persistent, competitive or easy going? Do you play alone, with a partner, friend, family member or a group? Do you choose an easy or complex puzzle? Do you take your time, time yourself or rush?  Do you set a goal, play for fun or are you passionate about it? Do you get frustrated, lack the confidence in doing it or persevere and are steadfast going for a positive outcome?

Our personal life puzzles vary in size, design and challenge but we must choose to put those pieces together best we know how. No matter what size, style or difficulty you have playing your puzzle, do your best to be present, loving the game even when it gets challenging because fitting all the pieces together is what the puzzle is really all about!Please know that if your working through a challenging part of your puzzle at this time and need guidance in putting those difficult pieces together, please e-mail me to schedule a reading. I can help you connect the pieces that may be just in front of you that you’re not able to see!



This month’s free reading winner goes to Beca. Congratulations Beca! I will be e-mailing you in the next few days to schedule your reading.

Please feel free to share this message with friends and family if you think they would enjoy reading this and send them over to my website for a chance to win a free reading at robinpetitleoni.com by signing up for the monthly Ignite Newsletter.

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